Tuesday, 24 March 2015


Thin crescent moon
How can you
Smile so squint
Its like
Being on your side
Bobbing your head
Doing the splits
Along a roof corner
You have no eyes
You just grin and stare
With no teeth
But crooked patches
Where your seas should be
Thin crescent moon
In the night
And in the day
You look like
Nothing I've ever wanted
Apart from a banana

Monday, 16 March 2015


Your little bobbing head
With your little bobbing hormones
Bobbing through your body
You have no bobbing control
You're a little bobbing boy
Chasing a little bobbing girl
Bobbing both in time
To this little bobbing world
Your a tiny bobbing creature
With feathery bobbing wings
You're bobbing a-wanting her
But she doesn't bobbing care
Its an unfair bobbing world
To leave a bobbing boy behind
The girl has no bobbing want
To your bobbing flirtations
But you keep bobbing after her
Instinct bobbing you along
Keep going bobbing, I say
I praise your bobbing
And wish you the bobbing best
So bob along, little pigeon
You'll bob over the rest