Early morning
And I'm
On the train to a job I don't care about
Early morning
And I'm
Starving, tired
Wishing it was the weekend again
Early morning
And I'm
Waiting for work to arrive
For the day to start
Repeated movements and words
Saying, "hello this is-"
Saying, "hello this is-"
Saying, "hello this is -insert job-,
How may we help you."
A collection of poems and short stories, from a long time ago and from today. Some are light hearted, others are more serious, some are simply extracts from larger pieces of ficiton I am writing.
Tuesday, 30 August 2016
24/08 Insert Job
Monday, 29 August 2016
23/08 Time
running behind
from time
It hardly
exists in my mind
I am
running out
of time
I'm going
utterly mad
I am
already mad
As time
catches up with me
surrounds me
drowns me
It is me
I have time
22/08 False Promises, False Identities
Was you
What I got to know
Was a stranger
21/08 Dreams
Into the system
Of an alternative reality
When you eat
The sweet
From the tree
Of good joy
And you taste
With every breath
You know you are
The garden of dreams
29/08 Poetry at Rio
The room is caught
As breaths are held
And eyes are widened
And feet
Tap tap
In time with the rhythm as
She speaks
Words of feeling and love
And meaning and virtue
More than reason
More than a novel
More than
Words themselves
Applause after the end
And smile and be
In your mind
For in this room is the power
The power of words
The power of change
As the people
Are watching the
The movement of the mouth
They are
20/08 Hold-ing
That's what
We're meant to be doing
What arms are for
What hands are for
Doesn't feel perfect
Unless it's with you
19/08 let's be
Let's be
A couple of sparrows
Dancing and lancing
And dashing and froing
Let's be
A couple of deer
Prancing and moaning
And thrashing and belting
Let's be
A couple of otters
Splashing and swishing
Holding and chuckling
Let's be
A couple of hyenas
Laughing and chattering
Running and loving
Let's be
A couple of lovers
Dancing and prancing
Holding and loving
Thursday, 25 August 2016
18/08 I am what I am
I am what I am
And there is nothing
That will change that
Because I am
Who I was born
What I became
What I was made
And there is no changing that
So don't try to change me
Wednesday, 24 August 2016
17/08 Wind
Wind blow
Wind chase
Wind hiss
Wind howl
Wind flow
Wind come
Wind laugh
Wind whisper
Wind whistle
Wind jump
Wind fly
Wind escape
Wind rush
16/08 Colour
White shadows
On a white background
On a blue canvas
With a pinkish tinge
Uplit by yellow
Downlit by grey
The gulls are circling
Round again
15/08 Conquer She Will
Round the mountain
Giddying up
Over the hill
Over the crest
Through the copse
Out from the shadow
She'll be coming
Around the mountain
Ready to
14/08 Reality
This is what you call
A re-education
This is what you call
A discrepancy
When the world comes
When the lifelessness comes
Reality falls
And you are hopeless
Not in university
Not in sleepy Kansas
Not in the pretend
Not in the expected
You are in the sorrow
The realisation
That is was really all for nothing
Tuesday, 23 August 2016
13/08 Matchless
I never meant to
Feel this way
About someone else
You see
I'm in love
Yet again with another
One more
Once more to the fro
I'm again
Falling in love
Falling deep
So deep under the spell
Of your matchless eyes
Sunday, 14 August 2016
12/08 sorry after
There's hatred in their eyes
I don't despise
How they feel
Hurt and depressed
Sorrow at best
Crying every day
At the loss they felt
But I can also see
That his family
Don't deserve the loss either
As they watch through the glass
At their son breathing his last
A spectator sport
Like an animal in a cage
Just because he made the wrong choice
Just because he was caught with the gun
Just because he took an officer's life
That one second
Just one second
And he was sorry after
10/08 I love you
When you're not there
I love you
When you are gone
I love you
When you stare
I love you
When you cheer
I love you
When you shout
I love you
When you scream out
I love you
When you're beside me
I love you
When you're across the room
I love you
When you shot
I love you
When he screamed
I love you
When he died
I love you
When you're over there
Behind the rail
Beside the officer
And not with me
I still love you
When you're sentenced
I love you
When we meet through glass
I love you
When there's tears
I love you
And when it comes to the appeal
And it fails
I love you
When you are led
I love you
To that room
I love you
And I watch with them
I love you
But they aren't my enemies
They are just victims
Of a mistake, an error
On your part
I love you
And so you are strapped down
I love you
And they glare
I love you
And we all watch
I love you
The family and I
As you die
Your eyes on mine
As we both murmur
"I love you."
Thursday, 11 August 2016
11/08 Arran
Let me be back at that place
That paradise
At that place and that time
Let me run along the stones again
Throwing pebbles into the sea
Let me laugh as I play as a child again
Collecting shells and pieces of flint
Let me pretend to be a pirate again
Let me sail to Norway
Let me go a-viking
Let me sail
Tuesday, 9 August 2016
01/08 Sarcasm
I'm just trying my friend
Trying to pretend
That I'm not affected
By your hatred
You scorn and you poke
And you call it a joke
A jest, a jibe, sarcasm
But there's a point between
Being funny and being mean
That line that is thin
And delicate
So hold on to what you say
Don't open your mouth and yell
Instead consider what it is
What I am and you are
Whose the victim
And whose the star
I don't mind façade
And I love some farce
But don't be rude, don't be
09/08 Warning
Warning - warning...
Nerds on the street
Geeks out of computers
Just watching a different screen
I've been playing
Pokemon Go
Chasing the pikachu
And following the eevee
I'll find the arcanine
And search for a karp
And he flaps like a twat
Using only splash
Where you live
Depends what you get
I have no pokeballs
But red aren't a threat
I'm team mystic
Because it's the best
And I want a ninetails
But -
Warning! Warning!
The general thesis is
To ban it in Iran
For fear of communication
Parents telling their kids
To keep in because
They might get run over
Or they might socialise
Oh dear, the nerds are out
The 20 year olds are suddenly wise
They are out and about and
Stalking the parks
Stealing others gyms and
Rewatching a kids show
Warning, this is
Pokemon Go
06/08 The Red Sofa
The red sofa
Is my comfort
It's low back and cuboid
It's a nylon weave
I can sit or lean
On its my bottom height arm
And i can take a breath
Before I walk in to the unknown
I'm awaiting an interview
15 minutes early
So I'm in the lobby
With the sofa
And its the best thing in my life
It's soft and its comfy
It's a warm soothing hue
A sort of crimson-scarlet
And it's letting me calm
05/08 No Trump
Wouldn't you like
Me to be a flower
Wouldn't you like
Me to be thin
Wouldn't you like
Me to do nothing
Be nothing
Say nothing
Just stand there
Oh yes I endorse my cute
But that's because it's all I have going for me
I'm a woman
I live in a world
Dominated by men
By uncles and grandfathers
And husbands and sons
Of great male bosses
And male testosterone
There's only some women
Who are I charge
Like Angela Merkel
Or - God help us -
May and Clinton (possibly)
But we're still stuck
In 1922
Where there are housewife's and housekeepers
Black maids and Russian brides
Where there are people paid
To be whores
Or rather they are owned
By pimps
All male of course
We're a modern society
But we're living farther back
Don't vote for Trump
Whose just a great hack.
04/08 Insomnia
Sometimes at night
You lie awake
And you think
For heaven's sake
I can't get to sleep
No matter how I lie
I toss and turn
And think just why
Why won't your brain
Turn off and rest
Instead of worrying
Over what it thinks is best
Or what it thinks
Is the very worst
Of giant evil dogs
And balloons that burst
Of loved ones killed
And laptop stolen
Of my rabbit suffocating
On a piece of pollen
On hyperventilating children
Your looking after
Of a leaky pipe
A split rafter
And of a heated mind
And raking nails
Of a witches brew
Using puppy dogs' tails
Of Shakespeare's ghosts
And his play unnamed
It's bad luck you remember
To speak it, be shamed
Superstitions come out
In the dread of night
When your common sense
Has taken flight
You are just a simple husk
A shadow of you
And you cannot sleep
Because all these things are true
Monday, 8 August 2016
03/08 Hold
Everyone cry
Onto your heart
Hold onto your hats
Hold onto your shoes
And hair
Before you run out of
Before you fail
Before you die
Before all fades to nothing
02/08 Hark the green
Hark the herald bunnies sing
Glory to the new born forest
Peace in the warren and lovely grass
Gaia and sinners reconciled
Joyful all ye environmentals cry
Join the triumph of the earth
With the greenest voice proclaim
Gaia is reborn as a god again
Hark the herald bunnies sing
Glory to the new made earth
31/08 Live
Like no one cares
Like no one's there
Like they can't see you
Like they want you to live
30/08 Movement
I'm a mover and a shaker
I'm a dancer and heart breaker
I'm a groover and a laugher
And a I'll-get-you-after
I'm an optimist and specialist
For being against the pessimist
And I'm grinning and I'm winking
As this boat is sinking
Friday, 5 August 2016
29/07 Swallow
Where did my life go?
Many moons ago I was
Amongst the flowers
There was a bright sun
And a bold swallow
Flittering nearby
Beak agape and
Up the mayflies, midges, bees
I had pigtails
Like my friends and
Didn't have a care in the world
Except to be happy
Now I am sitting
In a chair
Reclining but
Trying to look busy as my
Desk piles up with work
And I only watch
The birds float by
The chair is hard and doesn't work properly
Too awkward for my legs
And I have to stare at
A screen
Oh yes I have my little screen
And it's my life screen
But I hide it from keen eyes
Pretending to
Work work
But all I want to do is find the swallow
Thursday, 4 August 2016
28/07 Gravity
Thou force eternal
Invisible and indivisible
Thou power mighty
Strong and true
Never letting go
With the grip of a
Thousand battalions
Getting stronger and tighter
With each condensing planet
You hold us to the earth
Keeping us from falling
You let the moon men
Leap to great heights
And the John Carters more so
They soar like eagles
Yet always come back
To the surface safety
For thy art undying
Undefying and underlying
That is existent
27/07 Manatee
Come on
Let me
Surrender to thy
Fill me with
That has madness inside
Let me feel the
Of a wild
Who may look like
Yet holds more morals in his fin
Than your fucking
Whole body
26/07 Hold
Hold hold
Hold the door
And hold the phone
Hold the gate
And hold the stone
Hold the cup
And hold the wall
Let go the flood
So it drowns us all
Tuesday, 2 August 2016
25/07 Suggest
Who are you to suggest
That I have not
The mind of a scholar
Who are you to say
That I have not
The spirit of a warrior
I tell you
Fighters are found mine pits
Writers in the dark hell
Fluffy and cute are
Found in the scaled monster
The beloved
In the scorned
24/07 Parrots
Where to do
What to go
It's a strange world here
With parrots in the snow
Ice breaks on the sand shore
Sun shines down below
And there are birds restless
Parrots in the snow
Little does cooing
Diving down on rodents fine
And a great hawk digesting leaves
There are parrots
In the snow
This is a strange world and
A strange land
Full of big people and little chiefs
But it's a pure place
A good place
With parrots in the snow