Sunday, 3 February 2019

For a friend

My darling
You are but an idea
A collection of cells that some do not deem life
You have barely the workings of a heart
The bonds that make bones
The membrane that forms skin
You are but a peanut
A raisin, or a pebble
That makes barely a ring when struck
Upon the waters of the universe
But you my darling
Are my world now
And I think on you daily
I think of you when I sleep, when I wake, when I eat
I think of you when I dream, when I laugh and when I cry
I think of you when I jump, when I stress and when I imagine
I think of your future
And I, my child, I am sorry
I am sorry for this world I am bringing you into
When a man sits on a throne
And holds a country to hostage
Costing lives and the wellbeing of eight hundred thousand workers
When guns blaze wild,
killing children who walk to school only to educate themselves to do better
When economists and capitalists sit and turn deaf ears to the words of sciencists
Who declare the few years we have left to save our planet
When my country is tearing itself apart with indecision over a mistake it refuses to admit it made
When trees are felled merely for the reason to grow food for animals which destroys other animals
When the millions of plastic we steal from the earth we feed back to the seas
Killing, destroying the destiny
When the one voice calling out reason
Is a young Swedish girl who's right is to this earth that we destroyed for her
That we still destroy for her
That we kill terrorise
For her future
My darling
I am sorry to bring you into this life despite the fact you will be loved
Despite the fact you are wanted
Despite the fact you will always be in my heart
And I will hold onto you
I am sorry

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