Thursday, 22 August 2019

Things I look forward to when no longer pregnant

Number one: shave my legs. There's nothing more awkward than having to position your foot against the side of the bath whilst your tired arm strains past the immoveable lump that is in place of your belly.
Number two: eat normally. There's something strange about the fact that I am now using up twice the amount of energy as I usually would, yet my stomach is shrunk to half in size because someone is growing within. Snacking is the way to go. No more meals - just sandwiches. All. The. Time.
Number three: being able to walk again. If waddling was an Olympic sport I'd get first prize. Maybe even be a world champion. All over the world people would chant for their favourite soon-to-be mothers as they move like penguins down a track. Points are given for enthusiasm and lack of grace.
Number four: not running out of energy. Of course, when the baby actually comes I'll be exactly the same. Just not out of energy because I'm making the thing but because she or he or they constantly need my support and attention.
Number five: being able to put my own shoes and socks on. See number one for specific issues regarding bump.

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