Less of a woman?
I look down at my body and see
The lumpy flabby small stretch of flesh that
Just a few days ago was taught and large
Like a beachball people said
My navel back in place
And no trace left of the
Small bump they said would slowly deflate
Just this fold of flab that was inflated so
And beneath that
A scar
Four inches long
Healed in the fastest time that defies logic
A scar
That sits between my navel and crotch
That few people will see
But will define me forever
A scar
That was cut so you could breathe your first breath
So that you could come gasping into the world
Small mouth gulping
Crying as I was told
That you were 'he' and not 'she'
A scar.
Unplanned is the preferred term
Instead of emergency
In half an hour my labour changed from pain to bliss
As my agonising pains became paralysis
As you took your first cry and breath
As your father held you, tears streaming down his face
Relief after the potential loss of you and me
This is my reality now
A scar
That defines me
That challenges me
To think what the terms 'giving birth,' 'delivering,' and 'labour' mean
Even the term 'woman'
Am I less of one now?
Are these tears ones of joy or
Ones of sorrow?
But I look at your face
Your uncompromising, beautiful face
That mop of fuzzy fair hair
And deepest darkest blue eyes like an ocean
This is my reality
You are my reality
And my world
And though our meeting was unplanned
Though you stubbornly remained in that warm, dark space of the womb
I know for certain
You are worth a thousand scars
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