Monday, 19 September 2011

Extract from "The Dreamer's Stage"

Setting: A quiet narrow back street, late at night. Lit up sign of "The Glass Dome"
Enter Peter, slowly from USL. He whistles. 
Uriel enters from SR, walks past Peter who does not see him. 

Uriel: You're a fool, Peter Newcomer.

Peter (looking around): Eh?

Uriel: I said, you are a fool.

Peter: Ah, you again.

Uriel: One day you will learn, Peter Newcomer, Bringer of Bad Tidings, one day you will learn that men can be demons too.

Peter (smiling): You will never cease to follow me, will you?

Uriel: You are a liar and a thief, a coward and a murderer. Why trust in yourself when all hope is lost?

Peter: Because, demon, there is no one else to trust, but me. Unless you suggest I start trusting in you?

Uriel (silent, then walks around to stand right in Peter's face, says quietly): You are a fool.

Peter: What is a fool but a man who has not experienced what it is to be wise?

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