Wednesday, 14 September 2011


It was definitely not normal. In front of her was a large, sabre-toothed camel stepping out of midair. On his back sat a man, almost completely covered in dark blue robes apart from his eyes which were gold and stared right at her. He shifted slightly in his seat as the back end of the camel came through the improbable hole in the atmosphere, then looked up, beyond the two sisters in surprise.
‘Keira,’ she breathed, reaching blindly behind her.
‘Rowan!’ Keira grabbed for her sister, almost falling back away from the giant winged snake that was beating its wings in front of her face. So therefore, it is perfectly understandable that she did not see at once the man standing behind this impossible creature, brushing off his clothes that looked as if they had half the wealth of a sultan stitched upon them.
‘Thank goodness I can finally take of these clothes,’ he said to himself blithely. ‘Can people not pay you in banknotes these days? Oh,’ He looked up, surprised at the two girls, man and a camel that were watching him. ‘Well...this is a slight complication. A little more company than I care for...’
 The man on the camel, and the camel itself, remained in shock for a little while longer, and then the man spoke. ‘This is ... awkward. Did he get the coordinates right?’ he asked, looking down at the camel’s head.
The camel rolled his bright blue eyes and blinked long eyelashes.
‘Think not,’ he stated, simply.
‘Huh...if you are looking for a pretty, amazing snake, an anti-social freak and a Melody, you are at the right place.’ Keira coughed. The snake talked. Talked. And there was a camel.
The robed man looked at the snake, ‘I am looking for a Melody. The freak, the other freak and the humans are not part of the deal.’ The camel grinned, showing many rows of fine, sharp teeth.

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