In the distance
Something stirring
Something dark
And unrelenting
It's your past my dear
My dear
It's your future my dear
My sweet
A collection of poems and short stories, from a long time ago and from today. Some are light hearted, others are more serious, some are simply extracts from larger pieces of ficiton I am writing.
Tuesday, 31 May 2016
31/05 Future
Monday, 30 May 2016
Sunday, 29 May 2016
29/05 Weight
I see that your heart
It carries a secret weight
A weight of difficulty
Of sorrow
And my heart
It carries a silent weight
A weight of whispers
A weight of traitors
Saturday, 28 May 2016
28/05 Summer
And suddenly it's summer
It's out and its bright
It's the weather for a picnic
And we're... we're outside
The trees are heavy with shadow
The buds are coming through
It's late May but it's finally here
It's true it's true
Its summer
Friday, 27 May 2016
27/05 My Hope
My dear child
I long for you to live in a world
That we're making with our hands
That we're going to leave behind
As the world turns and we fail
To do nothing
I hope my child
That in the future you'll not have to
See the ice shelf crash into
The vast southern ocean
That you'll still have the species
That we're hunting, hating, stealing
Into extinction
As we cut into their lands for
More wood, more territory, more urban
Arguing over who owns what
And who wants to make what
That you'll not see
People choking and dying
From the thick smog man made
From our sickly pollution
That fills up the sky and our lungs
And our lives, just sending us
Just that little bit more over the edge
Oh my dear child
I pray
That I'll see you live through the horror
The over examination, the stress, the tears
That your world will not be a dead one
But that you'll live many years
And see that through the clouds
There is a beam of hope
That you'll have a brighter future
Than you'll have
A planet
Thursday, 26 May 2016
26/05 Should I Die
I have these
In my head
Calling out to me
I have these
In my mind
Telling me to
Go and have it easy
Go jump here
Go eat there
Go take that pill
Then another
And another
And drown your sorrows
But then there's another voice
In the seat of my brain
Grammatically correct
Saying that I have friends
I have love
I have those
Who would cry
Every time I did
25/05 Dear
You are not the hunter
You are the prey
There's a time
My dear
My dear dear one
There's a time my dear
That you need to recognise this
24/5 Bloody Mary
You think that
When you cry bloody Mary
And look into
The mirror
That it's she whose staring back
The demon staring back
The devil staring back
But it's you
It's your reflection being the demon
Your mind being the devil
It's you who are the behemoth
You you you
Coming to the the world
You you you
Tuesday, 24 May 2016
23/05 To Say
Who are you
To say it's easy
Who are you
To say
It's just a phase
Who are you
To know me
Even if you know me
You don't know me
Because you aren't me
You can't get in my head
You can't
Feel what I feel
Touch what I touch
See what I see
Because you don't
Have this mind
These fingers
These eyes
You dint have my heart
To race at every great
You're just
Trying to me
When I can only be me
Therefore just
Leave me be
22/05 Cant Even
Loving my life
Now thats a joke
I'm not even
I can't even
Don't even
Want to do this
21/05 Waiting for the Bus
Waiting for the bus
And you are by yourself
You run and just miss one
And then sit
Like a girl called Larry
On the metal bench
As the 60 doesn't come
Nor the 61
The 17 doesn't care really
About where you need to be
You're stranded
Waiting to get somewhere
And only you are there
Thursday, 19 May 2016
19/05 Wasting Away
All that I am
Is here
Laid for you to see
Bare and open
Like the front of my chest
Has been cut with a knife
And my ribs cracked
To see my lungs rise
And fall
And my heart beat-beating
So empty and clear
It is me
Lying here
Open for you to see
Blood and ashes
And sorrow and
Wasting away
Oh yes
Wasting away
Wednesday, 18 May 2016
18/05 Lust
Hope is the great of all thank the naked maker who looks at you and holds you closer than a mother. There is life in the flesh and in the want and the desire for the natural hunger and wanted looks and desires for all the sex.
17/05 Cancer
You invisible killer
You find us
In the heart of darkness
At night
At the day
When we do not know
Creeping up
Unheard and unknown
Nervous we laugh
At the possibility
But then that's all one can do
At the invisible killer
With no invitation
Monday, 16 May 2016
15/05 Swearing Pain
Is not easy to deal with
It's a thing
And sometimes out
Oh yeah you
Might break a leg
And scream
You might
Have heart palpitations and
Pain isnt like that baby
Its not as easy as that
Real pain
Is inside your head
And it's the type
You can't take painkillers for
Just mental tablets
That remind you
16/05 Worry
Sometimes I
I'm not the person you thought I was
I'm not the lover you wanted me to be
I'm not the darling you know me as
I'm not the intended you wanted
I'm not the heart you desired
I'm not the focus of your life
Like I was
Like you were
To me to me
To me
Like you were
To me
Sunday, 15 May 2016
Saturday, 14 May 2016
13/05 Crystal
To me and I'll see
That your life gets better
From here on in
Me and and you will be
Happy forever
And devoid of sin
To me and you will be free
For I am the one who calls
Knocks thrice and then let's you fall
I am your consciousness
Your nightmare
Darker side and that's not all
I am your worst side of you
My dear
So surrender to me
And everything will be clear
12/05 Silly Hop
Little boop flops
With a wobble sniff
And floppy lop hears
And a bundle end fluff
You're a bouncy soft pet
A hug mammal
And you have doeful peep orbs
I heart you say much
My silly hop
11/05 Miraz
You have a son my lord
You have a son
The heavens have blessed us
You have a son
Let the banners be raised
Let the flag fly high
Let bells be chimed
Because the son is here
Tuesday, 10 May 2016
10/05 Salutation
My dear mister
My very sir
My held mistress
My lesbian Ms
My wanted Miss
My beloved doctor
My hallowed friar
My professional professor
My taken Mrs
Dear dear friend
09/05 English
These are the
End times
When all
English fails
When punctuation
And a period
Holds the traffic no more
The Oxford comma
Hung on the edge
Of a clause
Are just breaths
Colons are just
Starts and ends
And you refuse to use
The capital letter
To begin
The start
You just write and not care and break
A sentence
Half way through
With your breath
Of the punctuation
Of English
Is the death
Of communication
The dealer
Gives the death card
End of civilisation
All falls
Into the
Monday, 9 May 2016
08/05 underestimated
Don't hold me back
I never want to be
You see I'm short
I'm a woman
I'm a struggling vegan
So I'm weak
And I'm exploited
And I'm struggling slight
I have depression
So I'm crazy
Not right in the head
But I want to be notices
So I dance instead
But that doesn't mean
That I'm going to be
Happy all the time
Inside and out
It's just a visage, a face
And yes I appreciate true
What it's like to be
Saturday, 7 May 2016
05/05 Sun Set
Everything seems to fade at last
Let the final die be cast
Let the bells call out the end
Let the darkness come to descend
We will all go to dust
And heavens gates full of rust
No one will cheer when sports are won
They will instead fear
The always set sun
07/05 Home
I was at home today
It was a bright and sunny day
The sun hung low in the sky
And the clouds were drifting by
But I was home to Dollar today
With my friends but it was my day
My world and my life and my time
In the air I breathed and that was fine
Tuesday, 3 May 2016
03/05 Fight Or Flight
To run
Is to flee
To stay
Is to fight
By my wings
I take flight
By my feet
I stay still
Don't move
Never move
Stay or go
There is a choice
02/05 Mouse
Little mouse
Tiny twitches
Sniff the wheat
The barley
Hunker down
As the owl
Flies o'er
Sunday, 1 May 2016
01/05 Immortality
And all I wanted was it
The secret to everlasting
The immortality of a
Rising phoenix
Coming from the ashes
All I wanted was it
But it slipped from my hand
Like grains of sunlight
Falling onto the beach
As you try to grasp them
Then they fall
Sprinkle like water into
The sandy shore
All I wanted was it
But the philosopher's stone
It rolled away down the hill
To join the other pebbles
To become one with the sea
As it lapped gently
Against the sand shore
The white and grey rocks smacking
Against the sandy shore