Friday, 27 May 2016

27/05 My Hope

My dear child
I long for you to live in a world
That we're making with our hands
That we're going to leave behind
As the world turns and we fail
To do nothing
I hope my child
That in the future you'll not have to
See the ice shelf crash into
The vast southern ocean
That you'll still have the species
That we're hunting, hating, stealing
Into extinction
As we cut into their lands for
More wood, more territory, more urban
Arguing over who owns what
And who wants to make what
That you'll not see
People choking and dying
From the thick smog man made
From our sickly pollution
That fills up the sky and our lungs
And our lives, just sending us
Just that little bit more over the edge
Oh my dear child
I pray
That I'll see you live through the horror
The over examination, the stress, the tears
That your world will not be a dead one
But that you'll live many years
And see that through the clouds
There is a beam of hope
That you'll have a brighter future
Than you'll have
A planet

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