Wednesday, 27 January 2016

27/01 Age (Maturity)

Once there was me
And once there was you
And one day there was us
In a world numbered two
Then there was time
Then there was three
And we were just so
Purely consciously happy
It was four soon after
Five, then six, seven
We had a lifetime of joys
And it seemed like heaven
That was until they aged
And they matured and grew
They reached puberty, university
And from the home they flew
There were tears from us
Then shrugs and sighs
We talked together and
Philosophised the wise
For what had been two
Had been blessed, ensured
And became seven
In a way that endured
But now again we were us
We were just two
The children aged, left
Leaving just me and you
Me and you alone my dear
Until the darkness to one
It took you in my sleep my dear
And now I'm all alone

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